7:00 A.M. Wake and go potty
7:10-7:30 A.M. Play time in an enclosed area or supervised
7:30 A.M. Food and water in crate.
8:00 A.M. Go potty
8:15 A.M. Play time in enclosed area or supervised
8:45 A.M. Crate time with chew toy
10:00 A.M. Go potty. Play time in enclosed area or supervised
10:45 Crate time with toys
12:00 P.M Food and water. If they don't seem interested after 20 min., remove leftovers. Offer water again after 5 mins.
12:30 P.M Go potty, play time enclosed area or supervised
1:15 P.M. Rest time in crate
3:15 P.M. Go potty, play time
5:00 P.M. Food and water. Remove leftover food.
5:30 P.M. Go potty, If they don't go after 10 min. back to crate. Try again in 10-15 min. until they go. Play time
6:15 P.M. Rest time in crate
8:00 P.M. Last water for the night. Leave available until you take them out to potty
8:15 P.M. Go potty, If they don't go after 10 min. back to crate. Try again in 10-15 min. until they go. 8:30 P.M. Free time. Training games.
9:00/9:15 P.M. Crate time until 11:00 P.M. OR your bedtime
11:00 P.M. Go potty. Make sure their bladder is empty and place in crate over night
11:15 P.M. Crate time immediately after they go potty. This is strict business. Don't let them think this is play time or else they will get wound up before they are suppose to sleep.
(Keep in mind, overnight potty break between 2-4 AM)
(Rest time in crate with the exception of bedtime can be in crate with exercise pen attached.)
NOTE: All play time should be supervised. Keep your puppy in exercise pen whenever you are not directly supervising them. Do not allow free access to the house yet, as that will only result in making house training mistakes. If they pee or poop in the wrong areas, they will return to those areas more and more. Clean these areas well to remove any scent!•Be alert for signs (sniffing, whining, scratching, and circling) that he has to go potty, say "potty" and take him quickly outside or to puppy pad. If he goes, praise him and give him a small treat when he does "his business" there. Never punish an accident. He won’t understand and may learn to go when you are out of sight•
Take him out the same door and to the same spot every time. This will create a "Potty for Life" spot."Potty for Life": If you are wanting your pup to potty in the same area of your yard every time, follow our "Potty for Life" tip:• We recommend setting up a small pen in your grass or outside potty area for him to hang out at potty time. This should help him get used to going potty outside and also encourage him to head to the same spot when he has to go! We discourage playing with him at this time. Keep letting him know to do his business.
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